Essential Oil Kits for Your Wellness Journey

Discover the Power of Natural Solutions to Find Balance and Calm

Welcome to our exclusive collection of essential oil kits, carefully curated to bring balance, calm, and emotional support to your daily life. Whether you're seeking serenity during busy days or aiming to find emotional equilibrium, our two exceptional kits have you covered.

Adaptiv Calming Kit

Embrace Tranquility and Find Your Calm

The Adaptiv Calming Kit is your ultimate companion for peaceful living. Crafted with a blend of soothing essential oils, this kit is designed to calm your mind during busy days, create a comfortable environment in stressful situations, and foster a tranquil atmosphere when diffused. Unwind and rejuvenate with this blend, specifically tailored to ease stress and anxiety in your life.

AromaEssential Balance Kit

Elevate Your Emotional Well-being

The AromaEssential Balance Kit empowers you to navigate the ups and downs of life with grace. This specially curated set of essential oils supports emotional balance, helping you harmonize your emotions and uplift your spirits. Each oil in this kit is thoughtfully chosen to nurture your emotional well-being, bringing harmony and clarity to your daily experiences.

Serenity Sleeping Kit

Embrace Tranquility and Find Your Calm

Experience Serenity Essential Oil & Capsules – your natural sleep companions. Let the calming aroma of Serenity Essential Oil soothe your senses, while Serenity Capsules promote restful sleep. Embrace tranquility and explore our Serenity Kit for a rejuvenating night's sleep.

Get Started on Your Wellness Journey Today!

Choose the kit that resonates with your needs and take the first step towards a balanced and calm life. Click the buttons below to explore each kit in detail and embark on a journey of wellness, harmony, and emotional support

Empower Your Wellness Journey

Life as a mature and busy mom comes with its unique challenges – the constant juggling of responsibilities, the pressure to perform, and the need to find moments of calm amidst the chaos. We understand the pain points you face, and we're here to support you on your wellness journey.

Let's take a closer look at how each kit can empower you:

Adaptiv Calming Kit:

  • Emotional Resilience: Navigating life's changes becomes easier with capsules that support emotional balance and adaptability.

  • Anchored Wellness: Fortify your well-being with the power of essential oils, fostering a sense of stability and groundedness.

  • Holistic Approach: Embrace a holistic approach to managing stress, offering your body and mind the support they deserve.

Serenity sleeping Kit:

  • Soothe Your Mind: Combat the overwhelm and emotional rollercoaster with calming aromas that help restore tranquility.

  • Support Restful Sleep: Bid farewell to sleepless nights as you embrace the blend that promotes deep relaxation and restful sleep.

  • Create a Sanctuary: Transform your surroundings into a sanctuary of peace and serenity, helping you find respite from worries.

Aroma essential Balance Kit:

  • Stress and Anxiety: Our Aroma Essential Oil Kits offer targeted solutions to help you manage stress and anxiety, whether it's the demands of work, family, or everyday life.

  • Sleep Struggles: If sleep eludes you due to a racing mind or restlessness, our carefully curated kits include oils known for their calming and sleep-inducing properties.

  • Mood Balancing: Fluctuating moods are common, but you don't have to navigate them alone. Our kits provide you with natural tools to uplift your spirits and promote emotional balance.

Hi there! I'm Jocelyne,
I am busy hockey mom and teacher by day, constantly juggling a hectic lifestyle. The stress and overwhelming uncertainty during the day often left me at a loss. And then menopause hit, turning my life into complete chaos. I struggled to handle my emotions, which seemed to change from one hour to the next.
But then, I discovered a pure and natural solution – essential oils. This revelation completely transformed my life. I found myself becoming more focused, happier, and better equipped to navigate the challenges that came my way. Inspired by my own journey, I delved deep into the world of aromatherapy, ultimately becoming an essential oil specialist.Now, I have the privilege of helping mature women like you cope with and manage their stress, anxiety, and sleepless nights. Together, we'll embark on a transformative journey, making small tweaks to your daily routine that will yield significant changes. You'll discover how easy it is to take control of your life and become a healthier, more vibrant version of yourself.Are you ready to dive in? Let me guide you on this incredible path of change. Together, we'll create a life filled with serenity, balance, and renewed energy.


GAME CHANGER!!! I have stressed when going shopping. Grocery stores are the worst for me! I put the adaptive on in the car before entering the shopping center, breathe in a few times, then tackle my shopping. I’m a much better person using this oil! - Rene-

I’m loving the Adaptiv line of products. They help keep me calm in stressful situations and help with my gloomy thoughts. - Laura-

Better sleep! Diffusing in all the bedrooms, everyone wakes up well-rested and in a great mood ready to start the day! - Jaimie-

The capsules absolutely even out my daily stress! The oil has helped my 2 year old stop having night terrors. And the roll-on helps me and both my sons in all the other moments of the day that cause stress and anxiousness. I will never again be without this oil - Tiffany T.-

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